Welcome to my personal space on the web!
I am a theoretical astrophysicist who investigates the dynamical processes happening inside stars by studying the waves in their interior. I became an asteroseismologist during my PhD and 3-month post-doctoral associate position at the Institute of Astronomy at KU Leuven, under the watchful/supervisory eyes of my promoters Prof. Conny Aerts, Prof. Tim Van Hoolst and my co-supervisor Prof. Dominic Bowman. On the first of February, 2025, I will be joining the Theory and Observations of Stars group at the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies, as a postdoctoral research associate.
I am interested in/excited by what makes stars ‘tick’: what are causes of stellar variability (at different stages of evolution) and how is this observed, what is the link with their winds/outflows/activity, how are waves/oscillation modes generated in their interior and how do they (stars in multiple star systems and multiple oscillation modes) interact with each other, how can all of this knowledge be used to improve stellar structure models, and what does this imply for their evolution and remnants. My work therefore spans different sub-fields of asteroseismology, the study of waves/oscillation modes inside (variable) stars with the aim to constrain stellar structure and evolution models. A word cloud containing (unified) Astronomy thesaurus keywords that describe my research is displayed on top of this page. Additional information on my work can be found on my research and software pages.
In addition to my research I am excited by a lot of things in the broad and exciting field of astrophysics, developing software that is freely available for potential users (FOSS) in a variety of programming languages, certain fields of chemistry (astro/computational/theoretical/analytical), and teaching students about the universe (i.e., teaching physics/chemistry). On a more personal level, I am also excited by a variety of sports, glorious food, and enjoying great-looking locations on our planet with lovely company.
My CV may be downloaded on this page and contact details can be found by clicking on the 'contact me' button on top of this page or in the navigation bar on the left of this page (on wide screens).