
I am a asteroseismologist/theoretical astrophysicist trained in chemistry and astronomy/astrophysics who is on a quest to create more realistic stellar (structure) models for the entire evolution track. I have primarily worked on topics related to the asteroseismology of (single) intermediate-mass main sequence stars, but have also collaborated on analyses of tidally perturbed oscillations in eclipsing binaries and the age-dating of stellar clusters using asteroseismology.

While my latest theoretical work focused on the (non-linear) energy exchange among the oscillation modes, I have also worked on characterizing the influence of an internal stellar magnetic field on oscillation mode frequencies. I also do not shy away from more observationally oriented projects and have led a project to characterize the variability of a large sample of slowly pulsating B stars.

My interests are not limited to this subset of astrophysics and I would be eager to collaborate on topics in different sub-fields of astrophysics, chemistry and astronomy. For example, I am currently intrigued by topics ranging from the use of (magneto-)hydrodynamical simulations and the study of (slow) chaos in astrophysics to employing various methods of variability detection to further some of my research goals. For more information on my research (and its goals), click the hyperlinks or figures below.

Research Interests